Prior research from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) show older adults receiving federal housing assistance face disproportionately high rates of chronic conditions and health care utilization.
Housing with Services & Congregate Housing
Displaying 1 - 10 of 61. 10 per page. Page 1.
Advanced SearchResearch Brief
Meeting Substance Use and Social Service Needs in Communities of Color
In this brief, we highlight experiences and practices from substance use treatment providers and their human services partners when serving people of color. We selected providers that focused on serving people of color, and this study was not intended to assess outcomes or effectiveness of any of the practices highlighted.
Trends in the Use of Residential Settings among Older Adults Issue Brief
Support And Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: Highlights from the Evaluation of Program Outcomes from 2010 to 2016
This paper describes the primary features of the SASH program and summarizes the main findings of the evaluation to date.
Support And Services at Home (SASH) Evaluation: SASH Evaluation Findings, 2010-2016
This document provides highlights of the evaluation of the Support and Services at Home (SASH) program for the first years of the program (2010-2016). The SASH program in Vermont is a promising approach to providing support services and care coordination to older adults and individuals with disabilities, using affordable housing properties as a platform for service delivery.
Literature Review
Housing Options for Recovery for Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder: A Literature Review
This environmental scan is part of a larger project whose purpose is to help the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation and HUD describe the housing programs available for individuals with OUD who experience housing instability or homelessness.
Choice Matters: Housing Models that May Promote Recovery for Individuals and Families Facing Opioid Use Disorder
The purpose of the Opioid Use Disorder, Housing Instability and Housing Options for Recovery project was to help ASPE and HUD describe the housing models available for individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) who experience housing instability or homelessness.
Choices Matter: Housing Models that May Promote Recovery for Individuals and Families Facing Opioid Use Disorder
ASPE recently completed a research project, conducted by Abt Associates, that explored homelessness and opioid use disorder, along with the evidence base for different models for care. This brief is highlights of findings from the project.
ASPE Issue Brief
Housing and Delivery System Reform Collaborations: Issue Brief
Brenda C. Spillman, Joshua Leopold, Eva H. Allen and Pamela Blumenthal Urban Institute Printer Friendly Version in PDF Format (25 PDF pages)
Factors Associated with Prolonged Youth Homelessness
Organizations can use their resources more efficiently to reduce and end prolonged youth homelessness if they know who they are trying to serve, and the issues that these youth face.This brief aims to summarize factors associated with prolonged episodes of homelessness among youth.